Monday, June 17, 2013

One Modern Railway Station

Every time I come to Lille, there is a new building being built, a new bike station, a new project. You can say many things about this city, but one of them is sure, it's a city in perpetual movement an evolution. 

One great example is the Gare Saint Sauveur. An old railway station transformed into temporary exhibition area during 2004 when Lille was one of the "European Capital of Culture" cities of that year. If in 2000, Prague hasn't really been able to keep the dynamic of this special year, Lille was. Gare Saint Sauveur grew into one of the hip spots in town, merging old industrial architecture, modern art, cinema, Café and a very interesting cultural programme with plenty of interactive actions, giving all its importance to interpretation and work with the public. 

You want your children to enjoy themselves playing games in the yard and building lego cities the same afternoon as you see a modern art exhibition and drink a local beer? This is the place you need to try. 

I have a little something for 

  • brick buildings
  • reconverted spaces
  • multifunctional and multigenerational areas
  • lively cities
  • refreshing ideas
= I like Gare Saint Sauveur.

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