I don't know about you, but I love weddings. Those happy moments and memories you'll remember forever (or at least for some time). Last weekend, we went to Poznan to make some new happy memories and be part of the D day of our amazing friends. We thought it would be a beautiful and nice wedding but it just completely exceeded our expectations.
Stary Rynek, Poznan |
I cried a bit during the ceremony in the beatiful Poznan Cathedral, even if I could't understand half the things the priest was saying. The young couple was just so beautiful, I was in awe.
At dinner, we were all to find our seat according to nametags. These were the sweetest wedding nametags I have ever seen in real life. When I was a little girl, there were three sweets I very much liked to eat but was unable to finish. Therefore, my parents, quite understandably, never wanted to buy them to me (it was always such a waste...). The three sweets were Almond Magnum Ice Cream, Pink Cotton Candy and Huge Flat Lollipops. Just like the ones we got as nametags at the wedding! I am still afraid I won't be able to eat the whole thing, so I take pleasure in looking at it for the moment.
Wedding outfit
Dress: H&M, two or three years ago
We ate well (best wedding food we've ever tasted, I'd say), had great fun with friends we haven't seen in a long time, danced a lot, cried a bit (again), met new people, spoke several languages, sang a song in Polish, danced cancan when the band played "Jóžin z bažin" (where did that one come from ?!?), marveled at the newlyweds, revered in their happiness and love and were astonished by the posing skills of the beautiful bride. Oh, and we drank vodka, of course. When the sun got up, we went to sleep. What a great day.
It was a beautiful day with beautiful people. |
In the morning, on our way back to the hotel. |
Congratulations to the newlyweds again! Love you guys.
Travelling outfit
Shirt: Zara A/W12
Shoes: Fees de Bengale
Glasses: Paul Smith
Berlin airport. |
Could we have more such weekends, please? Thank you!